SR&ED Application Assistance

Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive and Program Application Assistance.

Green check

Looking for professional help with your SR&ED application? We are available to help make the process seamless.

MiAccounting is a cloud computing firm focusing on emerging millennial businesses. That’s why we offer Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive and Program (SR&ED) Application Assistance.

Let our experience guide you through the process toward successful completion. These tax incentives motivate small businesses in many different sectors to conduct research and development in Canada.

The Amount Your Business Can Claim

Let us help you by maximizing the amount of money that your business can claim. These incentives can help you in a variety of different ways depending on the type and size of your enterprise.

Decades of Experience

Navigating the requirements is much easier with our help. Remember, we have decades of experience as a cloud computing company. Our knowledge can help you with claim preparation and compliance.

Ask about the different SR&ED services that we offer and how we can help you with the following.

  • Application assistance that includes competitive rates and flexible options.
  • The ability to tailor make and customize your profile and strategically place claims.
  • Claim preparation that includes review and strategy work.

Our services in this area are available to help a variety of businesses in different industries. Our priority here is to help you get the government benefits from these incentives that your small business is entitled to.

Please read on to find out some of the other features we have to help you with your application.

  • Technical reports are a big part of the SR&ED application process. We can handle that aspect for you as well as highlighting project costs individually.
  • Let us help you with a CRA review. Our claim support feature can make the whole process seamless.

Don’t forget to ask about our compliance services. We have the expertise to help you with these obligations as they pertain to incentives, grants, and tax credits.

Small Business Owners and These Applications

MiAccounting is available to help small business owners with these applications. We also offer a variety of other accounting services specifically geared to the millennial entrepreneur.

Get in touch with us today so we can learn more about your accounting needs and your business aspirations. Our team of dedicated professionals is ready to help you free your time up so you can pursue your small business goals.

Let's get started

Get in touch for a free, no-obligation consultation to find out how MiAccounting can help you achieve your financial goals.

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